The following process all based on carauction business network.
1. add a new auctioneer, id A100
2. add two members, id M100 and M200, with some balance
3. add a vehicle for assets, id V100, make it owner M100
4. add a vehicle listing for assets, id L100 to sell vehicle V100
5. then submit transactions. one is offer, one is closebidding.
6. check that all members balance have changed.
Auctioneer is not involved, so we need to change that to make it very real.
Go to define, to change model file. Add the following
Change the Auctioneer to have a balance:
o Double balanceChange the listing to have an agent:
--> Auctioneer auctioneer
So that auctioneer can have some money and each listing can have an agent.
Go to script file and change the function CloseBidding.
Commissions to auctioneer will be 5% of the sell price:
commission = highestOffer.bidPrice * 0.05 listing.auctioneer.balance += commission
seller will lose the commission from the sell price:
seller.balance += highestOffer.bidPrice - commission;
Now make sure these changes are made permanent onto the chain:
const auctioneerRegistry = await getParticipantRegistry(''); await auctioneerRegistry.updateAll([listing.auctioneer]);
After all these changes, click on the update to update the entire network.
Then do the same test to see balance changes from each member and auctioneer.