Thursday, May 31, 2018

How to get kubeconfig from google k8s cluster

1. Run the command showing from clicking on the connect button. This will create file in ~/.kube/config file. However this file can not be used directly by kubectl.
2. Run the following command:
   kubectl get pods
   The above command somehow changed the ./kube/config file adding the access-token and expiry-key. then that file ~/.kube/config

the above will be using access token in the kubeconfig.

You could also use user name and password.

edit the ~/.kube/config file, add the following in the users section of the file

- name: tong
    password: xxxxxx

The user name and password should come from k8s cluster endpoint show credentials button.
Then in the contexts -> context -> user, use user tong. This will also work.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

What to do if only want to submit some of the changed files

Assume that you have changed file1, file2, file3 and file4, but you only want to commit file1 and file2, follow the this procedure.

1. Use git add to add individual files to be committed.
     git add file1
     git add file2

2. The commit the changes.
    git commit -s

3. Then stash all the changes.
    git stash

4. Now git checkout other files which have been changed to make the work space clean
    git checkout -- file3
    git checkout -- file4

5. Now your workspace should be clean. Git review the commit
    git review

6. Simply do git stash pop to get changes to file3 and file4 back.
    git stash pop

Use nfs server docker container to set up nfs server

1. Start up a server:

docker run -d --name nfs --privileged --net=host  \
    -v /home/ubuntu/logs:/nfsshare -e SHARED_DIRECTORY=/nfsshare \

2. Now to mount that share, a client using ubuntu will need to have nfs-common installed.

sudo apt install -y nfs-common

now mount the share to a directory named test

sudo mount -v test

now dismount the share.

sudo umount test

These mounted directory owned by root, can only be changed by root users.

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Script to run a job every 5 minutes

cd /home/ibmadmin/hl/src/hfrd
if git diff-index --quiet HEAD --; then
    # No changes
    echo 'not changes'
    # We have some changes, rebuild the  api server docker image
    git pull
    make api-docker
    docker restart hfrdserver
    # Sync to the mirror git server
    eval $(ssh-agent -s)
    ssh-add /home/ibmadmin/.ssh/fd
    cd /home/ibmadmin/gitserver/hfrd.git
    git fetch
    git push --mirror ssh://git@
    kill -9 $SSH_AGENT_PID

cd /home/ibmadmin/gitserver/synch
at now + 5 minute -f > next.log 2>&1

at command is to schedule
atq to query
atrm to delete

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Start jenkins using container

The procedure to setup a jenkins server using docker container

1. Create the following directory, assume you are at your home directory:
$ mkdir -p ~/jenkins/jenkins_home

2. Run the following command to start up the git server:
docker run -d -p 9090:8080 -p 50000:50000 \
  --restart unless-stopped \
  -v ~/jenkins/jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home \
  --name jenkins jenkins/jenkins:lts
Now your server is running at the port 9090. Use the following url to access its UI.

The first time access it, you will have to find the initial admin pw and do the setup. All the jenkins files will be at ~/jenkins/jenkins_home

You can then add that host as the jenkins slave to start run your jobs.