Thursday, August 22, 2019

Hyperledger Fabric msp structure

The following is a directory and file structure, the directory and files were created by default by peer.
the focus here is the msp directory. Here are the observations:

1. admincert.pem and peer.pem (the signcerts) are the same file.
2. config.yaml file contains things almost hardcoded.
3. key.pem is the private key to admincert.pem

Here are more detailed structures in terms of the various certificates for an org and the node in the org.

The following chart shows the various certs for an organization. There should be ca, tlsca and msp. ca and tlsca should be consist of a cert and its private key. The msp should contain its admin cert, ca cert and tlscacert. The ca cert and tlscacert under msp should be the same as in ca and tlsca. All these certs organized just to make sure that the msp directory contains necessary files which can be distributed. The ca and tlsca directory also contains the private key which should not be distributed. Also notice that the ca/ca.ordererorg-cert.pem is the same file as in msp/cacerts/ca.ordererorg-cert.pem (green boxed), and tlsca/tlsca.ordererorg-cert.pem is the same file as in msp/tlscacerts/tlsca.orderorg-cert.pem (red boxed)

the followingchart shows the various certs for a node within an organization.

1. There are two top directories, msp and tls
2. msp contains materials which a node (orderer or peer) msp configuration should point to. This directory also contains the organization ca certs
3. signcerts is the signing cert for the node, the keystore direcotry contains the private key for the signing cert.
4. tls contains the tls cert and key,  tls/ca.crt is the same file as in organization's tlsca cert. Notice that tlsca file contained in two different directories even though they are the same file (red boxed).

Any thing that labeled ca will be the same as in the organization's certificates.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

fabric-ca working flow

Once a Fabric CA is setting up,  with the initial admin and password set to be tongli and tonglipw,  then admin can then do the following:

1. enroll a new users:

fabric-ca-client enroll admin2 -u https://tongli:tonglipw@u1804:7054 --tls.certfiles $(pwd)/cakeys/ca.org1-cert.pem

Notice that the cert pem file at the end has to be the ca certificate

2. Once a user is enrolled, the admin can register the user which will provide a password for the user:

fabric-ca-client register admin2  --id.attrs 'hf.Revoker=true,admin=true:ecert'   -u https://tongli:tonglipw@u1804:7054 --tls.certfiles $(pwd)/cakeys/ca.org1-cert.pem

3. You can also add affiliation by doing the following:

   a) enroll a new user:
fabric-ca-client enroll admin -u https://tongli:tonglipw@u1804:7054 --tls.certfiles $(pwd)/cakeys/ca.org1-cert.pem

   b) register the new user
fabric-ca-client register admin  --id.attrs 'hf.Revoker=true,admin=true:ecert' -u https://tongli:tonglipw@u1804:7054 --tls.certfiles $(pwd)/cakeys/ca.org1-cert.pem

   c) now add the new affiliation
fabric-ca-client affiliation add org1 -u https://admin:qxuPwzKYVFAn@u1804:7054 --tls.certfiles $(pwd)/cakeys/ca.org1-cert.pem

   d) nested affiliation just need to use dot, for example
fabric-ca-client affiliation add org1.department1.department1 -u https://admin:qxuPwzKYVFAn@u1804:7054 --tls.certfiles $(pwd)/cakeys/ca.org1-cert.pem

 One can enroll many ids, the difference for user, peer, orderer is how these id get registered. When register the id, you will need to specify a type for example:

export FABRIC_CA_CLIENT_HOME=$HOME/fabric-ca/clients/admin
fabric-ca-client register client1 --id.type client \
  --id.affiliation bu1.department1.Team1 
The created user signcerts should be named <id>@<org name>-cert.pem
 Otherwise, gosdk can not find the certificate, the access will fail. 

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Customize VSCode colors

Click on settings (the wheel icon at the bottom left), which will open up the Settings on the right hand side, then select Workbench->Appearance, find the link says Edit in settings.json, basically paste the following then save.

   "workbench.colorCustomizations": {
        "sideBar.background": "#424d66",
        "sideBar.foreground": "#ffffff",
        "sideBar.dropBackground": "#c0aeae",
        "list.hoverForeground": "#ffffff",
        "list.hoverBackground": "#2825df",
        "gitDecoration.modifiedResourceForeground": "#ffffff",
        "gitDecoration.untrackedResourceForeground": "#ffffff",
        "gitDecoration.addedResourceForeground": "#ffffff",
        "list.errorForeground": "#ffffff",
        "list.inactiveSelectionBackground": "#ff2200",
        "list.inactiveSelectionForeground": "#ffffff",
        "list.activeSelectionForeground": "#ffffff",
        "list.activeSelectionBackground": "#ff2200"

If you like to change the color scheme globally, then you will need to do the following:
Click on settings, select User -> Workbench -> Appearance, then find
Color Customizations section on the right, click on Edit in settings.json, then add the
same section above in the file.