Monday, December 11, 2017


Terms that matter

Weight (Own weight): The weight of transaction A is proportional to the effort put in by its issuer, which can be assumed to be 3^n.
Cumulative weight: Transaction A’s own weight + the sum of own weights of all the followed transactions that directly/indirectly approve transaction A. (E.g. In figure 4, transaction D has own weight as 1, and cumulative weight as 6 = D’s own weight + A’s own weight + B’ own weight + C’s own weight = 1 + 1 + 3 + 1.)
Figure 4: Weights (from IOTA white paper). Own weights at right-bottom. Cumulative weights at left-top, as bold.
Score: Transaction A’s own weight + the sum of own weights of all previous transactions approved by transaction A. (E.g. In figure 5, transaction A has score as 9 = A’s own weight + B’s own weight + D’s own weight + F’s own weight + G’s own weight = 1 + 3 + 1 + 3 + 1.)
Figure 5: Score (from IOTA white paper). Score at left-top, in the circle.

Height: The length of the longest oriented path to the genesis.
Depth: The length of the longest reverse-oriented oath to certain tips.
For instance, in figure 5, the height of D is 3 (D → F → G → genesis), and the depth of D is 2 (D ← B ← A).

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