Sunday, November 3, 2019


Profiles defined in configtx.yaml file are the starting point which use other sections of configtx.yaml.
There are two different types of profiles, one is to be used for genesis block which is for bootstrapping orderer nodes, the other is to be used for channel block. What to be generated by configtxgen depends on which profile to be used and what flag is specified in the command line.

For example -profile -outputBlock flags are used to specify a profile to generate a genesis block.
Where -profile -outputCreateChannelTx is used to specify a profile to generate a channel create tx.

Profiles for genesis block should always contains Orderers and Consortiums elements. Profiles for just a channel should just contains Consortium and Application section. Notice for the genesis profile, the element is Consortiums, for a channel is Consortimum, so there are some small diference though.

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