1. install ibmcloud CLI tools if you do not already have it
curl -sL https://ibm.biz/idt-installer | bash
2. install ibmcloud CLI ks plugin
ibmcloud plugin install kubernetes-service
3. login to the account
ibmcloud login -a cloud.ibm.com -r us-south --sso
-u <id@us.ibm.com> -p <password> -g Default
this step will ask you to get a one-time passcode by providing a url you can copy and paste the url to a browser to get one-time passcode to proceed. Once you provide the passcode, it will ask you to select an account to continue.
4. retrieve the kubeconfig file, the kubeconfig file should be saved at the current directory.
ibmcloud ks cluster config --cluster <cluster-id>
Note:* To check what plugins are available for CLI, run the following command
ibmcloud plugin repo-plugins -r 'IBM Cloud'
** The kubeconfig should normally reference a cert .pem file, when move this kubeconfig file to another environment, the referenced pem file should also be moved.
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