After istio is installed, follow these steps:
0. Label the default namespace for istio sidecar injectionkubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled --overwrite
1. Patch istio-ingressgateway service so that the new port is supported.
Create a file named patch-service.yaml with the following content:
spec: ports: - name: tcp-31400 protocol: TCP port: 31400 targetPort: 31400Run the following command
kubectl -n istio-system patch service istio-ingressgateway --patch "$(cat patch-service.yaml)"
2. Create deployment, service, gateway and virtual service
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: hello-world-deployment spec: selector: matchLabels: greeting: hello department: world replicas: 1 template: metadata: labels: greeting: hello department: world spec: containers: - name: hello image: "email4tong/pathecho:latest" imagePullPolicy: Always --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: hello-world spec: selector: greeting: hello department: world ports: - protocol: TCP port: 7000 targetPort: 8080 --- apiVersion: kind: Gateway metadata: name: tcp-echo-gateway spec: selector: istio: ingressgateway servers: - port: number: 31400 name: tcp protocol: TCP hosts: - "*" --- apiVersion: kind: VirtualService metadata: name: tcp-echo spec: hosts: - "*" gateways: - tcp-echo-gateway tcp: - match: - port: 31400 route: - destination: host: hello-world.default.svc.cluster.local port: number: 7000
3. Now use the istio-ingressgateway service external endpoint (IP or hostname) and port 31400 to access the service. In above example, it is a simple http echo, so use curl to test is fine. If the actual service is not http but using any other tcp protocols, then you cannot use curl to test
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