Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Ubuntu docker access to other users



 Also make sure that docker.sock file is accessible by others.

sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock


Saturday, September 30, 2023

How to remove custom resource stuck on delete

 To delete the custom resource which stuck in delete state , follow these steps:

  1. Edit the Object : kubectl edit customresource/name.
  2. Remove finalizer parameter.
  3. Delete the object : kubectl delete customresource/name.

Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Show what code were covered or not using go tool cover command

 Once go test produces cover.out , you can use the following command to launch browser to show the coverage.

go tool cover -html=cover.out

Friday, August 18, 2023

To git restore all the unstaged files

 Sometimes, you may purposely delete some of the files for testing, then you will need to restore these files, it will take a lot of key strokes if you do file by file, the below command can restore all the unstaged files in git

git restore -- $(git ls-files -m)

Monday, August 14, 2023


Use kubebuilder to start a new project:


     kubebuilder init --domain my.domain --repo my.domain/guestbook
This step creates make file, dockerfile etc.
Once a project gets created, you normally run the following command to add API
     kubebuilder create api --group webapp --version v1 --kind CronJob 

Then you normally would edit the files in api/v1 _types.go files to add your own struct
basically data structure for your api. and make changes to the controller.go in the
controllers directory to implement your business logic.

Then you normally would need to run:
    make manifests to generate crds, roles, role bindings etc.
    make generate to generate code in zz_generated.deepcopy.go to capture changes that you
make to apis, that is, changes made in _types.go file will need to be reflected in
zz_generated.deepcopy.go file.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Deal with a local helm chart repo


# Start up a helm client
kubectl run -n pcloud helmtest --image=alpine/helm:3.12.0 --command -- sleep 3000

# add the repo locally named acc, given that the repo sits at http://acc-helm-repo:8080
helm repo add acc http://acc-helm-repo:8080

# search the repo and list all the charts from the repo acc.
helm search repo acc

# now inspect a particular chart, in this case, in repo named acc and chart named netapp-monitoring-operator
helm inspect all acc/netapp-monitoring-operator

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Process of working with un-merged branches

 1. local check out the branch, for example

     git checkout -b the-dirty-branch

2. pull the remote branch to the local

    git pull the-dirty-branch

3. you can do the same thing for other branches if more branches are needed

4. then switch to the integration (or main) branch

5. cherry-pick from the dirty branch or rebase from the dirty branch

6. do git reset --soft to maintain unchanged release tag

Monday, April 10, 2023

K8S CSI related commands


kg csidrivers

kg storageclass

kg volumesnapshotclass

To list volume snapshot and it content

kg volumesnapshot -n test01

kg volumesnapshotcontent -n test01

Volume snapshot class uses driver.

storage class uses provisioner

volume snapshot class uses driver.

So driver and provisioner should be same thing?

Friday, February 10, 2023

How to support multi-arch docker image build on mac

 Simply do the following command:

docker buildx create --use


Then run command 

docker buildx ls

You should see amd64 included like the following.

linux/arm64, linux/amd64, linux/riscv64, linux/ppc64le, linux/s390x, linux/386, linux/arm/v7, linux/arm/v6

Some document says turn on the experienmental flag on which is not needed.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

k8s backup products


    You don’t have to use Portworx storage to use Portworx Backup. Backup and recover Kubernetes applications using Amazon EBS, Google Persistent Disk and Azure Block storage directly via CSI.

2.  used to be called Heptio Ark

    uses object storage


    Stores backup data in AWS S3, Minio, Rook, GCS, Azure, OpenStack Swift, Backblaze B2 and Rest Server


5.   very weak.






Monday, January 16, 2023

Use k8s rbac for authorization

K8S rbac is solid implementation of rbac. Use it welll can avoid reinvent the wheel for an application.

Use a namespace per user to scope user resources
Use user to represent an actual user. Then use role and role binding to control permissions.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Expose services from k8s clusters running on MacBook

Since Mac won’t route to docker network, it is a big problem when you run multiple clusters on Mac when you need to expose services outside of the k8s clusters, but with Nginx proxy, one can simply use the docker port map to achieve this. 

The idea is to do the following

1. Write a script which  will query every cluster and find all load balancer services
2. With all known load balancer services, create Nginx configuration file to proxy request
3. Once the Nginx configuration file is created, lunch Nginx on the docker network used by k8s clusters and map all the ports used.
4. Based on the nature of the services, either http, https or stream can be used.

The drawback is that the port map certainly will change, and each time a service is added or removed, the Nginx container will need to be restarted with new port map and configuration.

For test purposes, this solution should work.

Thursday, January 5, 2023

Allow application to accept incoming network connection

 When k8s kind trying to use a local non loopback ip for api server address, mac firewall will ask if the incoming network connection should be allowed. A screen like this will be popped up,

The right way to avoid this is to change the macbook firewall rule to allow this kind action.