Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Deal with a local helm chart repo


# Start up a helm client
kubectl run -n pcloud helmtest --image=alpine/helm:3.12.0 --command -- sleep 3000

# add the repo locally named acc, given that the repo sits at http://acc-helm-repo:8080
helm repo add acc http://acc-helm-repo:8080

# search the repo and list all the charts from the repo acc.
helm search repo acc

# now inspect a particular chart, in this case, in repo named acc and chart named netapp-monitoring-operator
helm inspect all acc/netapp-monitoring-operator

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Process of working with un-merged branches

 1. local check out the branch, for example

     git checkout -b the-dirty-branch

2. pull the remote branch to the local

    git pull the-dirty-branch

3. you can do the same thing for other branches if more branches are needed

4. then switch to the integration (or main) branch

5. cherry-pick from the dirty branch or rebase from the dirty branch

6. do git reset --soft to maintain unchanged release tag