Sunday, April 1, 2018

Setting up nexus3 with docker and raw repo with ldap and tls enabled

1. Create a directory to hold all nexus3 data and keystore:
mkdir -p /home/ubuntu/nexus3/etc/ssl

2. Create a keystore by running the following commands:
cd /home/ubuntu/nexus3/etc/ssl
keytool -genkeypair -keystore keystore.jks -storepass password \
-alias -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 5000 \
-keypass password -dname 'CN=*, dc=fabric, dc=com, C=US' \
-ext ',IP:' -ext "BC=ca:true"

   This creates a file named keystore.jks, if you use other name for the nexus3, for some reasons, it won't work, very strange.

3. Make the user 200:200 to own the directory:
sudo chown -R 200:200 /home/ubuntu/nexus3 
4. Run the following command to start it.
docker run -d -p 8081:8081 -p 8443:8443 --restart always \
--name nexus -v /home/ubuntu/nexus3:/nexus-data \
-v /home/ubuntu/nexus3/etc/ssl:/opt/sonatype/nexus/etc/ssl \

   This command starts up nexus3 container and hookup with the container with the right keystore location and data location.

5. Configure the nexus3 to use ldap by login to

      Administration -> Security -> LDAP
      LDAP server address:      ldap://
      Search base:                     dc=fabric,dc=com
      Authentication method:   Simple Authentication
      Username or DN:            cn=admin,dc=fabric,dc=com
      Password:                        fabric123

      User and group:
      Base DN:        empty string
      Are users locate in structures below the user base DN?  off
      User filter:      empty string
      User ID sttribute:        uid
      Real name attribute:      cn
      Email attribute:       mail
      Password attribute:      userpassword
      Map LDAP groups as roles:    off

     Administration -> Security -> Realms
     add LDAP Realm to the left box

6. Raw repository:

    Create a raw hosted repository,
    Create a role so that people in the role can operator the raw repository
        Administration -> Security -> Roles,  Click on Create role button, Nexus role
        basically add nx-repository-view-raw-<repo-name>-* to the left box.
    Map users to that role.
        Administration -> Security -> Users, Source: LDAP, search for all the users
        basically associate each user to the role created in above step.
    Then use the following command to upload a file to the repository

curl -u user1:fabric123 -k --upload-file users.ldif \
   The above command uploads the file users.ldif to the raw (hosted) repository named fabricImages
curl -u user1:fabric123 -k -T users.ldif \
   The above command uploads a file and create the testfolder directory as well at the same time.

7. Docker repository:

   Create docker hosted repository, set https port to be 8443, Force basic authentication
   and allow redeploy. Since this is using the self signed certificate, any docker client
   wants to access it, will need to put the server certificate in

/etc/docker/certs.d/<server>:<port>/ca.crt file
   the server has to be the server name or IP address.
   the port in this case is 8443

   To get the server certificate file, run the following command:
keytool -printcert --sslserver -rfc

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